29 Dec

Busy Day


From Friday, 12/27 update made on Facebook: It was a whirlwind afternoon. David’s procedure took a lot longer than expected. As soon as he was done, they brought him up to his room, but the cancer center needed him transferred asap, so before he even made it to his room, they got him on a transport stretcher to bring him to the cancer center, which is right across the street from the hospital. The medical staff have been amazing. All the techs at the cancer center stayed late so they can get David’s scan done. (They were supposed to leave at 3:30 and David didn’t even arrive there until after 4:30). What I know from the procedure: they were able to do what they wanted to the three vertebrae that they were hoping to get the tumors out of. They were also able to get several biopsy samples, so those are getting worked up. What I know from the CT scan mapping: they were able to map out his tumors and they marked David’s torso for treatment guiding points. As of right now, the plan is to wait until the biopsy results are back before starting treatment. However, if at any point before that, David starts showing any weakness in his body and losing of strength, they will start his radiation treatment asap. They are tentatively planning on a total of 15 treatments of radiation, which they will do every day, except weekends. As long as he is in the hospital, they will transport him over here. Once he goes home, we will have to bring him here every day. The amount of treatments could change as they get the pathology report, etc. We still don’t know how long he will be in the hospital, but definitely over the weekend.
I don’t think I can ever put into words how much everyone’s outpouring of support has meant to us!! You guys are absolutely amazing and we feel so loved. We feel your prayers. We see many little things that God put in place to help us, long before we even know David was sick. These last few days have not been easy, but one constant is God’s love for us and how we have seen it through all of you. Thank you. Please keep the prayers coming!!

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