19 Jan

Learning to Live

If I’m being very honest (which I usually try to be), this second year after losing David has, in many ways, been more difficult than the first. Last year we were in survival mode. We focused on grieving, breathing and anything else was a bonus. This year we are learning how to live. Many days are still filled with grieving and remembering to breathe, but now we are learning how to be in routines with school, activities, chores, dinners, homework… all that fun stuff that living requires.

This Christmas season was hard, but we actually decorated the tree this year. That’s more than last year, when we were able to put it up, but just couldn’t bring ourselves to decorate it. 

This season was also sprinkled with people loving on us. A lot of times we didn’t even know who was loving on us. We received beautiful artwork, yummy treats, baskets filled with Christmas cheer, gift cards, packages filled with handmade beauty, monetary help for presents, notes of encouragement and love. We feel so very loved. I am hoping that the wonderful people who blessed our family this season are able to read this, because your continued love towards our family means so much to us. It is a breath of fresh air to know that our pain is still known by others and that we are not forgotten. 

Thank you for caring for our family. I know I don’t post much these days, so it would be so easy for all of you to forget about us, yet you don’t. I know many of you still pray for us. Please continue to do so! We need and treasure it so much!! Many of you still check in on me, and it warms my heart. 

I pray that all of you have a very blessed 2022 and lean not on your own understanding, instead trusting in the one who understands it all. 

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