29 Dec

Waiting Game


David saw the oncologist Saturday morning. No pathology report yet from his biopsy. The earliest we will get that will be Monday. He had an in-depth conversation about David’s health history, but of course can’t speculate on anything. It’s just a waiting game on that pathology report! It’s hard to see someone you love be in pain and obviously sick, and nothing can be done until a report is back. We understand why we have to wait, but it still isn’t easy. We are constantly leaning on God for strength, peace and patience.
Also, we started to notice some little nodules on David’s head. So they ordered an MRI scan of his head. That was done Saturday morning, with the results coming Sunday morning. Just another thing to wait for! 🙂 Please join us in praying that these scans aren’t going to bring more bad news.

Besides the medical stuff, I was able to go home for a bit this afternoon and spend some time with the kids and to refresh a little. Meanwhile, David had some visitors at the hospital, which brightened his day and had him smiling! It was a day with some laughter and smiles, even in such a hard situation.

We are taking this one day at a time.. sometimes one moment at a time. It’s very easy to feel overwhelmed and scared, but we are so thankful for God and His provision. Whether it’s a friend or family member, with the right thing to say, or medical staff going above and beyond to make David feel comfortable and well cared for… There’s so many little things that we can see His hand in. As overwhelming as this can be, my mom heard this word yesterday and we are holding it with us during the harder moments : “Don’t ever lose sight of My powerful hand”. We know that God is powerful enough to heal David. We also know that He is powerful enough to walk this path with us, while giving us all the strength we need to face the most difficult days.

I don’t think I could ever thank you all enough for you love, support and kindness that you continue to show us. We feel so abundantly loved by all of you. THANK YOU. Please keep praying for us. It is such a blessing knowing that there are so many people, caring enough and being moved to pray for us. We love you all, and thank you!

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