5 Jan

Charlie and the Patient Factory


Saturday was pretty laid back. They got David over for radiation first thing in the morning (6:30). Now let me ask you this: How many doctors AND medical teams do you know, that are willing to come into work at 6 am on a Saturday morning, just for one patient? Seriously. I’m blown away by the care that they have for David. I tell him that he has reached rockstar status.
After that, it was relatively quiet. His sodium levels are slowly climbing. He is still on fluid restrictions, but they did raise his liquid intake… Not a whole lot, but every little bit helps! Praying for even better numbers this morning!
Talk continues of potential discharge and slowly working towards that. Everyone knows he wants to be home with his family, so we are trying to do everything we can to work towards that as fast as possible.
A therapy dog name Charlie came in to visit. I love how dogs can lift spirits, just by their presence. It was a nice visit and a very nice addition to our morning.
I was able to go home for awhile Saturday afternoon. That was nice. While at the hospital, I had visions of going home, all the kids cuddling around me and us all reading books. Nope. Lol. They are all excited to see me, but within 5 min, were running off to play. Some would come back to cuddle every once and awhile, but it was almost refreshing to see that they are doing so well without David and I home. They’ve settled into a little bit of normal at their Grandma’s and cousin’s house. Of course school starts back up on Monday, so that will be another transition. Family has been amazing and has sorted all that out for us, too.
David had a few visitors today. I’m always happy when he can have someone else to talk to besides me. It’s good to have variety
It should be a quiet day today, as there is nothing on David’s schedule. We are going to try to get David up and walking as much as possible. Since the surgery, he needs assistance while walking, so it’s important for him to try to walk as much as he can, building his strength and mobility back up.

Prayer requests:

  • Complete healing of David’s body
  • Favorable pathology report
  • For his sodium levels to increase
  • For continued strengthening and increased mobility in his body
  • For the swelling to continue to go down in David’s head.
  • For the radiation to work on shrinking the tumors on his spine and provide pain relief
  • For patience for David while he works on his mobility
  • For David’s spirits to be lifted while he walks through this frustrating and unforgiving disease
  • Thankfulness for his medical team, who continue to blow us away with their kindness and caring.
  • Thankfulness for visitors and all of you who are so supporting
  • Thankfulness that are kids are doing ok.
  • Prayers for family that are taking care of the kids, that they are feeling renewed every day

As always, thank you for your outpouring of support. We have a very hard and long road ahead of us still, but if we’ve learned nothing else, we’ve at least learned that we HAVE to focus on the NOW. When we look towards the future, it’s overwhelming and often times, filled with fear. We have hope in our powerful God and we know that we cannot borrow worry from tomorrow. All that to say, thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement. They help us stay in the now and God uses them to give us strength for today. For everyone who have shown us support in other ways, God has used you to give some peace to us for the times that we do look towards the future. A huge thank you to all of you!! No one’s support goes unnoticed. It’s all appreciated and valued.

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