7 Jan

Homeward Bound, Maybe


Well, today was a little bit of a roller coaster again. This morning they were going to push for David to get discharged. It was a fun thought…. for awhile. Lol. We discovered that when our insurance switched at the beginning of the year, there was an error and they put the wrong effective date. Until that gets worked out, we can’t get discharged because it would mean David would not be approved for radiation any more. So we are here until all that insurance stuff gets worked out.
David was assessed again by PT and they decided to give him a walker to use until he regains his strength and mobility. It also means that we have to make some adjustments to our house. Rails need to be installed in the bathroom, our bed needs to be lowered, so he can get into it easier, and a few other things to make sure that he is safe once he gets home. As we sit in the hospital, family is hard at work, making sure those things all happen at the house.
David had his 4th round of radiation today. Almost half way done!! It really exhausts him, so he needs a lot of rest afterwards.
David’s sodium level dipped again a little bit today, so he is still on fluid restriction (he can only drink 1500 ml of fluid a day) and they added salt tablets into his daily medications.
The oncologist came in. No new pathology report yet. He’s off tomorrow, but will call us if he gets any results in.
David’s swelling continues to go down and some of his neurological symptoms are getting better. His peripheral vision is coming back, and his left hand is getting stronger. Tomorrow he will be assessed by the speech therapist again to check how his brain is working. I expect an improvement from last time. He’s doing so much better!!
We had a few visitors today. All were so nice to see, even if a couple were only for a few moments. It brightens our day to know that people care enough to visit and help pass the time!
The kids started school today. I had emailed all their teachers, so they are aware of the situation. They have all been so kind and understanding, offering support and prayers. It sounds like they all had a pretty normal day, which is good!

Prayer requests:

  • Favorable pathology report
  • Rise in sodium level
  • Complete healing of David’s body
  • Insurance to get worked out so it won’t stop us from going home
  • For the radiation to have an effect on the tumors, so David can have some relief from his pain
  • For strength for David, as the radiation takes a toll on his body, yet he still needs to work hard to regain strength and mobility
  • For family and friends who are helping with the kids and meals and supporting us, that they can have an abundance of energy
  • Thankfulness for a wonderful medical team
  • Thankfulness for everyone who has shown us kindness and support. I can’t even begin to say how much it all means to us.

Thank you, everyone for your continued love and prayers! Please continue praying!! It is such a blessing in our lives to have all that power of prayer backing us!!

A small note about our website: This is a website my brother created for us, to communicate with those who may not have facebook, or just want somewhere to get all the information, or to help out and connect with us. Anything donated through the website goes 100% back to helping us.

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