9 Jan

Hurry up and wait


Well, we were hoping all day that things would all come together so we could go home and it just didn’t happen today. We were SO CLOSE, but David’s sodium just wouldn’t behave today, so one more night we stay! They do believe that they know what kind of medication he has to take, but it’s a specialty medication, so they wanted to keep him another night so they could continue monitoring his level while he gets his medicine. Meanwhile, they called in his specialty medication, so that should be ready tomorrow for David. As long as nothing goes crazy, we should be able to go home after his radiation treatment tomorrow.
Nothing else really happened today. David had PT and he had his radiation, he was exhausted afterwards, as usual. We packed up a lot of our room. Crazy how much stuff we collected over two weeks. At least we are pretty much ready for tomorrow!
Our oncologist did come in to touch base with David. His medication that he will be starting for cancer treatment got ordered, so that should be ready next week for him. 🙂
Prayer requests:
-For complete healing of David’s body
-For the radiation to shrink the tumors on his spine, providing pain relief for David
-For David’s sodium level to stay consistent so we can GO HOME
-For the side effects of the radiation to not become any more severe
-For the new medication, that is already being prepared to treat David’s cancer, that it is effective and melts away all the cancer
-For a good night’s sleep for David. Between being in a hospital, and the steroids they have him taking, sleep is hard for him and it’s starting to wear on him.
-For continued strengthening of his body
-For a renewing of energy, patience and love for all those helping with our kids

You all mean so much to us. Your constant support, words of encouragement, and help (financial, physical, meals, groceries) has been such a huge blessing in our lives. Every day I’m left speechless by how much support and love you show us. Thank you never seems to be enough, but it’s the best I can do. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

(Photo: View from David’s room this morning)

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