27 May

Prayer Time


Tomorrow (5/27) is kind of a big day. David has his PET scan (which shows where the cancer is in his body) in the morning, then in the afternoon, he has his appointment to review the results and then he has his first session of whole brain radiation.

We could use all the prayer you can send us tomorrow. Realistically, we aren’t expecting great news from David’s PET scan. Last time he had one was a joyful day. We got the exciting news that there was basically no sign of disease. We were shocked and were filled with such hope for David’s future. I can hardly believe that was only 3 months ago. Things have so drastically changed and definitely not in the direction we were so hoping for. We are pretty confident the scan will be worse than what it was last time, and even though we are prepared for that news, it isn’t really going to make it any easier to hear.

The whole brain radiation is another thing we are not looking forward to. While we were initially planning out the whole brain radiation, the Dr was hoping to spare the parts of the brain that impact memory. However, after more signs of the disease appeared, it was decided that it would be too risky to NOT radiate those parts as well. Whole brain radiation can have some pretty nasty side effects. We cherish all the time that we are able to spend with David and it makes our hearts ache to think that some of this time will be stolen from us due to bad side effects from the radiation. David doesn’t want to have his memory messed with or any of the other countless possibilities, but we know that if we do nothing, the disease will continue to invade his brain so this is the path that we have to take.

Today we spoke with the office in Houston and we made an appointment to meet with the Dr there once David’s radiation is complete (which will be in a couple weeks). We know this Dr leads a clinical trial, but she also has other possible treatments for leptomeningeal disease, so we are hopeful that she can have some other options for David.

We did receive some good news today. We have been meeting with a genetic counselor regarding David’s cancer and his genetic testing came back today. His cancer is NOT caused by any genetic mutations, so we do not have to be concerned that it’s anything that can be passed down to our kids!! Of course we are still going to be cautious with them and the sun (as we all should be, especially in AZ) but at least it’s one less thing to worry about!

Please join us in prayer tomorrow. We appreciate your support so much and know that God will bless us through your prayers.

Prayer requests:
-For complete healing of David’s body
-For peace to fill our hearts and minds as we face a challenging day
-For good scan results, despite all the evidence that suggests otherwise
-For minimal or even NO side effects during whole brain radiation
-For joy, hope and peace to fill our home. The kind that can only be found through our salvation
-For our children and their hearts and faith
-For rest and a renewal of energy every day
-Thankfulness for the good genetic results

Deuteronomy 31:8
It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.

Once again, I am thankful for God’s faithfulness. Not matter what happens tomorrow, and in the future, God goes before us, so we do not need to fear anything. We have a mighty leader that we can put our hope in.

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