5 Jul



Last time there were fireworks, it was New Year’s Eve. I was sitting in the ICU with David and his sister. I was desperately missing our kids, but knew I was where I needed to be. Last night, as I sat and watched the kids playing with sparklers, while fireworks lit up the night sky once again, I was desperately missing David, but this time I felt like I wasn’t where I needed to be. I felt like I should be with David, but I can’t. So instead, I prayed for peace and I trust that God knew these circumstances long before they happened, and that even though I think I should be elsewhere, I trust that this IS where I need to be.

Friday was really tough. David’s nurse wasn’t great about calling me back, so I got one small update from his doctor in the morning (which wasn’t that promising) and then silence for the rest of the day. Of course David couldn’t answer his phone, or call me, so the best I could do was sign into his health account through the hospital and see when his vitals were updated. It was a very long day. Night came and I was able to speak with his night nurse, who told me that he was pretty unresponsive all day. It was quite difficult to hear.

Very early Saturday morning, I got another update that was better. He was responding to questions, and after looking at a picture from home, he said, “Oh, I love them”. Finally something good to help me sleep the rest of the night.

It was starting to look like Saturday would be a repeat of Friday. I called the nurse in the morning, was told she would call me back, but she never did. But was I ever surprised, when right after lunch, my phone rang and David’s name shows up! The doctor was in the room with him and we did a video call. He was responding to questions and showing improvements. Once the doctor left, David hung up on me, but called me right back, so that was good he was able to figure that out. We were able to talk for a little while longer. He kept saying he loves me and he repeated several times that he wants to come home. I’m praying he starts improving enough for that to happen soon!

This trend seems to be following how he was after his last seizure. If it continues, today should be an even better day, with some more clarity for him. There hasn’t been any more seizure activity while he’s been hooked up to the EEG, so that’s good. Hopefully he will be evaluated by the therapy team today so they can assess how he’s doing and what kind of help he may need at home.

We didn’t know how much time we would have with David back when we watched the fireworks on New Years Eve. From everything the doctors were telling us, we were expecting weeks, maybe months. I wished we could at least make it to our anniversary (March 15). Once that came and went, I wished for the kids birthdays. It’s very much like the country song, “One More Day,” in which the chorus goes:

One more day
One more time
One more sunset, maybe I’d be satisfied
But then again
I know what it would do
Leave me wishin’ still, for one more day with you

I want as many more sunsets as I possibly can with David. I’m praying for a miracle that it will be many year’s worth of sunsets.

Prayer requests:
-For complete healing of David’s body
-For the doctors as they are assessing David and coming up with a treatment plan
-For the kids, as they are missing their Daddy
-For peace while we wait for updates

Also, some of you have been asking for how you can help. My sister in law set up a meal train again for us, as we are trying to navigate how life will look once David is discharged. Thank you for your support!!


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