30 Dec

The Treasure of Prayer


Another crazy day. It started off slow, but turned into a whirlwind. This morning we got the results from David’s MRI scan of his head. Not the best news, but again, not the worst news. He has two hematomas on the layer above his brain. So they aren’t actually on his brain, which is good. He also has a lesion on the front of his head. The neurosurgeon on call said we will do some more imaging scans tomorrow morning. Also tomorrow, we are hoping for the full pathology report.
Our amazing nurse coordinated it so David could see the kids today. It made our hearts happy!!!
We settled down in our room, expecting a quiet evening. Some of David’s family came, which was really nice. Once they left, things picked up quite a bit. The neurosurgeon, who has been on David’s case from the beginning and has been a huge advocate for him, even when he didn’t have to, put in orders for all his imaging to be done tonight. He is a very proactive doctor and he wanted to make sure that everything is in place for tomorrow, so no matter what needs to get done, they will be prepared for it. So David spent the rest of the evening doing scans and getting some more blood drawn. We are finally settled in for the night. There is a possibility that David will require surgery tomorrow. It all depends on how the imaging results come back. If he does need surgery, our neurosurgeon made sure that an operating room is already booked for him, just in case. (Monday update: David is going to have surgery this morning)
If I can be totally honest, I am both looking forward to tomorrow, because we should finally have answers, and I’m also terrified of tomorrow, because those answers could be devastating. In light of that, we have some specific prayer requests.

  • Peace and comfort for the night, so we can feel rested tomorrow to face whatever is going to happen.
  • For God’s strength to lift us up, when we feel so tired, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
  • For favorable biopsy results.
  • For wisdom for the doctors, as they are prioritizing David’s treatment plan.
  • For God’s complete healing of David’s body
  • For all the family and friends that have been watching our kids. 8 kids aren’t easy to watch… Especially 8 kids who are going through a traumatic time. So pray for a renewing of their mind and body every day.
  • For our kids. It meant so much to us for them to see David today. He loves them SO much and that love is definitely returned. They don’t always know how to voice how they’re feeling, and we just pray that God protects their little hearts, when they are hurting so much.

I know I sound like a broken record, but I seriously can’t thank you all enough for the support you continue to show us. Saying thank you never feels adequate enough. We absolutely cherish every prayer each of you have prayed. We know that God is with us and your prayers help us to feel that. I know people have helped or want to help in various ways. Sometimes, people short-change prayers. It’s such human nature to think, “well, I can’t help financially or by making meals, etc, but I can pray”. PLEASE know, that prayer is the number one gift you can give us. If you can help in others ways, we are completely humbled and beyond grateful for that. However, we treasure your prayers above all else, so please keep them coming!!

4 thoughts on “The Treasure of Prayer

  1. So glad God doesn’t get tired of hearing prayers because I know I have been overwhelming him on behalf of David and your family. And I won’t stop!! Wish I was closer and could do more but glad for the support you have. Still sending hugs, love and prayers!

  2. David and Amy, I am praying for all of you. May our Lord send his healing, grace and comfort to all of you.🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻 I sent you a message on Messenger. Please check it when you can.
    God bless,
    Laura Jean Curley

  3. I finally got on here to read everything that has been written. You have so much happening and so fast. Prayers have been constant for you all…healing for David…strength for Amy and all the children. Kirk and Katie for patience with 8 more children and for Sue and Clark for trying to be strong for everyone (thats a Mom and Dad’s job), and for all the others that love you and are there giving what they can to help. Harry every once in a while asks about David but its always “how is Clark’s son-in-law doing”…sorry David, seems he isn’t very good with names! Love and continued prayers for you all. God IS there and we will keep praying, Harry and Lori

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