1 Jan

A bit of peace


This morning was rough. David was still intubated until around 2:30. He was sedated, which is tough to see, but he was responsive. He would squeeze hands, open his eyes and tried to communicate via sign language. Once the tube was out, it was a huge relief to see him fully waking up from sedation. Besides getting his pain meds back on schedule, nothing really happened for the rest of the day. So it was a day of rest today for David and myself. Praising God it was quiet and nothing crazy. He is definitely still recovering from the drama of yesterday. Tomorrow or Thursday he should be getting more imaging done on his head to see how his swelling is and to make sure there’s no more bleeding. Once his swelling goes down, they will be able to get his bone flap back on. Once that happens, the surgeons would like to get him in for his spine surgery. We do still have some questions for David’s team before we fully commit to the surgery. We want to make sure we make the best decision for our family and that means getting as much information as possible. We keep on hearing things like “his prognosis isn’t great” but David is a fighter and we serve a God who doesn’t care about statistics. All in all, it was good to have a day where things didn’t go crazy. Tomorrow will probably bring the difficult decisions, but at least we had some much needed rest today!!
Prayer points, for our amazing friends and family, who continue to surround us in prayer:

  • Complete healing of David’s body
  • Wisdom for our doctors, while they continue to develop a strategy for David’s treatment plan
  • Wisdom and discernment for us while we face our difficult choices
  • Our children, as they are still not being able to have any kind of normalcy that they are used to
  • Our loving family and friends that are helping watch our children.
  • Prayers for health and patience and understanding.
  • A restful night so we can have a renewed strength in the morning
  • Thankfulness for a good day today

We love you all and are still so humbled by your love and support of us! Thank you!!!

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