3 Jan

A Tough Road Ahead


David did his first round of radiation this afternoon. He will do another round tomorrow and possibly one on Saturday. He will have a total of 10, initially. We do not need to stay in the hospital to do all 10 rounds. If all the other doctors feel as though he’s ready to go home, they will discharge him and he can just come back for his treatments. David has been working really hard on his therapy today to start gaining movement in his left hand back. He’s improved so much in just one day. I’m blown away. I know he gets frustrated, but I’m super proud with how hard he has worked.

I was able to see the kids for a couple of minutes this evening. My Mama’s heart melts when I get to see them. I love them so much and long to have us all home together. We continue to see God’s hand throughout our journey and pray for continued strength. Tonight is for resting though. I think I’m more exhausted than I’ve ever been, so I’m hoping tonight is quiet and full of rest.

Tomorrow David will have some physical therapy, a radiation treatment and also the removal of a drain from his head.

Please be praying with us:

  • Complete healing of David’s body
  • Rest. Both of us are so tired of this roller coaster. We really need a good night’s sleep.
  • For David’s neurological symptoms to go away
  • For favorable test results
  • For progress to be made towards going home.
  • Thanksgiving for all the progress made today.
  • For our kids and for those watching them. Let love overflow their lives.

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