5 Jan

Baby Steps to Getting Home

Today was a very quiet day. Perfect for David to rest. We did get a few visitors. That was so nice! It’s uplifting to our spirits to be able to just sit and chat with friends. David was able to walk around a little today, and then sit in a chair for a good part of the day. I know this doesn’t sound like a huge thing, but it is to his mobility.
   The doctor who oversees David’s case came in today. She would really like to see David discharged within the next few days. This brings us great joy, but at the same time, we do have to assess his physical capabilities first. He’s still struggling with walking and our house would not be a safe place for him, if he’s unable to do that a bit better. We will know more once Physical Therapy sees him tomorrow. We desperately want him home, but definitely not at a detriment to himself. The last thing we want, is for him to come home, fall and end up in the hospital again.
   David’s sodium is still about the same, so he was still restricted today on his liquids. He’s able to eat, it’s just the drinks that he’s not able to have a lot of. He could easily go through his allowed liquid before breakfast, so getting it to stretch all day is pretty difficult.
   Tomorrow, David will start radiation again. It was good to have the day off today, because it makes him so tired when he does have it.
   Also, within the next few days, we will hopefully have his pathology results back about what type of melanoma he has. Please continue to pray that it’s Braf, as that gives us the most hope in treatments available to him.
Prayer requests:
  • For David’s sodium levels to increase so his liquids can increase
  • For favorable pathology results
  • For a renewed energy for David
  • For renewed strength for David, so he can come home safely
  • For complete healing of David’s body
  • For the radiation to shrink the tumors, so David can have some relief from his pain
  • For David to keep his eyes focused on his Savior, and the hope and peace that he provides
  • For our kids, as they start school again tomorrow
  • For everyone making sacrifices for our family, that they are blessed because of it
  • Thankfulness for all our support
  • Thankfulness for the improvement we do see with David (no matter how small)
Thank you never seems enough to say to all of you, but that is all I have. You guys are all amazing, and we are above and beyond blessed to have you all in our lives.
A small note about our website: This is a website my brother created for us, to communicate with those who may not have facebook, or just want somewhere to get all the information, or to help out and connect with us. Anything donated through the website goes 100% back to helping us.

One thought on “Baby Steps to Getting Home”

  1. Your updates are so appreciated and I think Andrew is happy that I’m not always bugging him for the latest info! Always sending prayers and love to David AND to you, Amy, as well as your kids and those caring for them. Wish we could do more. Have a peaceful day with only good news.

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