27 Jan

Looking forward to scans, praying for good news


Last week wasn’t as eventful as weeks past, so that was a relief. We were able to rest a little more, which is good seeing that this week is looking very busy.
David had his blood work done a couple of times and his sodium is finally evening out, with the help of his meds. He has lost over 30 pounds of fluid in his legs. I wasn’t kidding when I was telling you guys that he was retaining a lot!! Without all that extra fluid, it is making it a little easier to walk, and also easier to push himself a little too much, so he needs to be careful about that.
As David shared, he got his rockin’ new hair cut. He looks so nice now that he’s cleaned up a bit. 🙂
David was supposed to have his Radiation mapping of his brain last week, however there was a lot of back and forth with the insurance company. Everything finally got worked out and his mapping will be on Monday (1/27). Tuesday he will be meeting with his oncologist again, where they will be discussing how he is feeling in general, blood work results, and when David will be getting more imaging done. Wednesday will be an appointment with his Primary Care Doctor to adjust his diuretic, now that he’s lost most of his fluid in his legs and also to discuss the possibility of physical therapy for him. Then, Wednesday afternoon, he will have an MRI done on his brain, which will assist in radiation planning. Radiation could potentially start Thursday, but we should know for sure on Monday what the Doctor is thinking (update: Radiation will begin the first week in February).
Today (1/26) was the first time we were able to go to church since before Christmas. It felt SO good!!! It was wonderful being “home” in our community and to feel all their love in person! God has blessed us in so many ways, and our church is definitely one of them.
Prayer requests:
-For complete healing of David’s body
-For David’s sodium to continue to be leveled out and for his fluid retention to completely go away
-For good imaging results of David’s brain. Sometimes it’s fearful getting imaging done, because we are worried it will show more growth instead of less. Another area to give over to God.
-For David’s pain to go away. One of the biggest indicators of the medicine working for David is for him to be feeling better. There are some ways that he is ‘feeling better’, but there are other ways that he’s feeling worse.
-For wisdom for the doctors, as they make decisions about David’s care
-For David to be getting stronger
-For God’s peace to continue to surround us. It is so easy to get fearful during all this.
-For us to be able to continue making good memories with the kids.
-For our children to be open about how they are feeling.
-For family as they continue to help watch kids, that they are given renewed patience and energy every day.
Thank you for all of your continued support! We seriously appreciate everything you all are doing for us!

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