1 Feb

Good News and Prayer Requests


Just a quick update and prayer requests:
David’s brain MRI came back and there’s no regrowth of the tumor and everything is healing nicely!! Praise the Lord!!!

David’s right side of his body still has a lot of pain and is still weak. This is concerning to us and so we are a little anxious for his MRI that’s tomorrow (2/1) morning. If everything looks the same, then we will stay the course of working on his steroid dose. If things have gotten worse, then we will be consulting with our neurosurgeon again. Don’t get me wrong, we love him, but we would really like to stay out of his office until it’s time for David’s follow up appointment.

Also, the stomach flu has hit our family. Paul got sick yesterday (1/30) with it. We’ve been able to keep him somewhat quarantined and away from David, so we are praying that David didn’t get exposed to it. Our Littles (Grace, Tony and Caleb) are also sick right now. They’ve been at my mom’s house, so it’s been easy to keep their germs away from David. I know my family is taking really good care of them, but it is SUPER hard to not be there for them when they are sick! We usually see them every day, whether they come here, or we go over to my mom’s house.:. So that’s tough too, to not even see them. We know it’s super important to keep germs away from David right now, but my Mama heart is still aching to cuddle with my littles.

Prayer Requests:
• Thankfulness that the brain MRI results were good
• For equally good results from the MRI of David’s spine tomorrow.
• For peace as we wait for the results
• For complete healing of David’s body
• For all the strength to return to David’s body
• For health for ALL our family members
• For health for my family, while taking care of the Littles
• For all our kids to be able to communicate their feelings

Thank you for all your continued prayers!!!

One thought on “Good News and Prayer Requests”

  1. YAY for the good news and prayers for MORE good news and good health for those sweet little ones!

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