4 Feb

Time to [keep on] Fighting


So we are back to this mantra: We got not so great news… it’s not the worst news, though… so we are thankful for that. David had his MRI done on his cervical spine today. There is some new growth on the C5 and C6 vertebrae. It’s possibly growing into the vertebrae and also touching some nerves. This could explain the pain and sensations that David has been feeling. Due to the location, surgery may not be an option because it is too high on the spine, however we won’t know for sure until David’s neurosurgeon looks things over. Our radiation oncologist feels good enough about the results of David’s brain MRI, that as of right now, we are putting off radiation on his brain for a few days until we can get a good plan in place for this new growth. She feels as though this is more pressing of a matter, so she wants to make sure it gets addressed before moving forward with the brain radiation. Seeing that his cervical spine has not been radiated yet is a good thing, as that gives us more options as to what can be done. Hopefully we will get a plan set up tomorrow, though. It was a little bit of a discouraging evening with all this news but we are still full of hope that progress is happening in helping David heal. This is just another bump along the way. 

Prayer Requests:

-For David’s pain to go away and for his strength to return

-For the tumors to shrink 

-For wisdom for the doctors as they plan the best course of action for David

-For peace as we are working through this new development

-That despite the not so great news, we can still be joyful

-For our children to be able to talk about how they are feeling

As always, we cherish all your prayers and encouraging words. Thank you all so much for loving on us!!

4 thoughts on “Time to [keep on] Fighting

  1. Bumps happen and are disheartening, but God is good at smoothing bumps! Love to all!

  2. The unpredictable nature of cancer must be so frustrating for you. God has a plan. My continued prayers for healing and strength are with you. Sandy

  3. Our prayers and love for strength and healing …….❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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