7 Feb

The Plan


Days are busy right now and sometimes it’s hard to find the time to write updates… or I will try, but David will have to wake me up because I’ve fallen asleep in the middle of typing. Lol. I’m sure you all understand, though!
Yesterday (2/6) we met with the neurosurgeon. We decided to go ahead with the surgery to put David’s bone flap back on. Here’s the reasoning behind this: if tumors keep attacking his spine, as long as the bone flap isn’t in, he will not be able to have any kind of surgery. If we are able to get that bone flap back in, it gives us more options down the road if anything bad starts happening to his spine. So, pending the results of bloodwork and a CT scan of David’s brain, he will have surgery next Wednesday (12th). He will be in the hospital for at least a few days for recovery.
Today David started radiation on his C-spine. He will have 5 sessions . The surgery will interrupt it a little bit, but he will more than likely be transported over to the cancer center for the remainder of his sessions, just like last time he was in the hospital.
We spoke with David’s oncologist as well. Based on his three MRI’s that he got over the last week, he decided that he wants David to start immunotherapy about a week after surgery. This will be done through an IV infusion. We don’t know a whole lot more than that right now.
So right now our focus is getting prepped for surgery next week. We feel really at peace with this route and the fact that David will have his bone flap back, after we thought that was a lost cause, is going to be great!! We love the idea that he will have more options available to him, if needed. He was getting really attached to his helmet, though, so I’m sure he will miss it. 😉

Prayer Requests:
-For complete healing of David’s body
-For David’s strength to return and the pain to go away
-For David’s bloodwork and CT scan to be good, so he can go ahead with surgery
-For radiation to work on the new tumors on David’s C-spine
-For wisdom for the doctors as they continue to plan out David’s treatment
-For God to already be preparing David’s body for surgery. That there won’t be anything unexpected when they open him up. That there won’t be any excessive bleeding or swelling.
-For David’s cancer meds to be working effectively, shrinking the tumors and preparing his body for the immunotherapy.
-For all the big emotions our kids are having. That God works through those emotions and that we all grow closer to Him as a result of this trying time.
-For joy to be ever-present in our lives.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We love seeing how God is providing for our every need, whether it be physical, emotional or spiritual. God is using all of you, through the power of prayer, to help us through this. Thank you!!!

2 thoughts on “The Plan

  1. Get him a Cardinals helmet to replace his current helmet!! ;o)
    Prayers for a successful surgery.

  2. Praying for these needs … thankful God listens & answers According to His perfect will

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