12 Feb

Surgery Day


Early this morning we headed to Phoenix to check in for David’s surgery. Great news, his CT scan came back clean so he went in for surgery at 8 am. He got to recovery around noon and the surgery went well! Praise the Lord! His bone flap is back in and he is in recovery. I’ve only been up to see him a little bit because he’s not in a room yet, so I can’t stay up there. I can tell you this, though: he looks great!!
Time in the hospital all depends on how his body bounces back, but we are hoping it won’t be more than a week, seeing that he’s supposed to start immunotherapy next week.

Prayer requests:
-For complete healing of David’s body
-For David’s strength to return and for a fast recovery
-For no bleeding to occur in David’s head
-For a room to open up so I don’t have sleep on a chair tonight
-For family members who are helping with the kids, that they have renewed patience, energy and joy every day
-For the family in the waiting room today that did not get good news today and that things do not look good for their husband/father/friend. The patient desires his kids to have a personal relationship with Christ and his wife is worried about them (they are older). I do not know their whole story, but I pray that the wife’s faith remains strong and that there will be miraculous healing for her husband and that his children will be drawn closer to God.

Thank you SO much for loving on our family and continuing to keep is in your prayers!

3 thoughts on “Surgery Day

  1. Our congregation in Lake Worth, Fl is praying constantly for the whole family and David’s healing.

  2. So happy to hear that today went well! Keep the strong faith and sending hugs and prayers.

  3. Thanks be to God for all his care, even to getting you a bed. Hard to have a good outlook if you are exhausted. Love and hugs.

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