13 Feb

It’s a Good Day to Have a Good Day


Today was a good day! David is recovering very nicely. He got cleared by the therapists to go home whenever the doctors sign off on him. He was even able to walk around the floor a bit. This is SO different than our last surgery and I’m so happy that he’s doing so well! He was able to go for his radiation today and he will have his last one (for this round) tomorrow. We got a pretty nice ambulance transporting us today. It made me excited for baseball season!!
We moved out of the ICU this evening and up to the 16th floor. It’s the same floor we started this whole journey on back in December. It’s fun to recognize some nurses, so it’s been a nice evening to our day. Pending everything going smoothly, there’s a chance that we might be able to be discharged tomorrow already! Thank you for all your prayers! They are making a huge difference!
I know I touched on this yesterday, but please also be praying for the other family that I met yesterday. Things are definitely not looking good for them right now. I’m so thankful that I got a chance to speak with the wife and pray over her. Her husband is not responsive right now and I don’t know how their story will end up, so please be praying for peace for their family and for God to draw them all closer to Him and comfort them.
Another area of prayer: my family has been helping out with our kids, which has been a huge blessing. The kids have been able to have as much “normalcy” as possible, which I have appreciated so much! Right now they could really use some prayers for health and rest. There’s some sickness starting to go around and a good night sleep would do wonders for everyone! Also, we have to be super careful about germs around David. So the sooner they start getting healthy, the better!!

Prayer requests:
-For complete healing of David’s body
-For all David’s strength to return
-For recovery to continue to go well so we can go home quickly
-For the family still in ICU
-For rest and healing for our family

Thank you, everyone for your support and prayers. I know I say it every post, but we cherish it all SO much!!

3 thoughts on “It’s a Good Day to Have a Good Day

  1. We continue to pray for healing for David and will add you and the kids to that prayer! Happy to hear he may be going home!

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