14 Feb

Another Good Day


Another good day today! David got his last round of radiation for this session. No more radiation for at least two weeks, now! 🙂

Everyone was impressed with how well David was doing, so he got discharged from the hospital! What a wonderful end to our Valentine’s Day: being able to relax at home with our kids! It was SO nice.
Now it’s time to look forward to what’s next. This week we will be meeting with David’s oncologist again to get a PET scan done. He will also be starting immunotherapy. We are excited to be taking this next step in David’s treatment.
In a couple of weeks, David will get the staples out of his head and then he will start the planning for radiation on his brain. As of right now, that is the last session of radiation that he will need. Of course that can change if he starts experiencing different symptoms, or if scans show more growths that need to get treated.
As of right now, we are looking forward to having a fun weekend with the kids. 🙂
Prayer requests:
-For complete healing of David’s body
-For continued strengthening of Davids body
-For peace as we move forward in David’s treatment
-For renewed energy, patience and joy for our family that is helping with the kids

Thank you for all you guys do for us! Your prayers, encouraging words, support, food, help around the house…. all of it is so appreciated. THANK YOU!!

2 thoughts on “Another Good Day

  1. We give God the Glory, He is Almighty and have so much to be thankful for. May He continue to bless David with healing and faith to believe, “with God, all things are possible”🙏🙏🙏

  2. Praise God !! We pray for continued recovery and time with your children! Praise God!!

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