17 Feb

New Experiences Help Us Grow


Whoo, that was a crazy evening yesterday (2/16)!!
Yesterday was a pretty relaxing day. We picked up the Littles and brought them home for the afternoon. David seemed a little off most of the morning, but I chalked it up to tiredness. Late in the afternoon, he said he felt like he hit a wall and went to lay down. Within a few minutes, I got a text, asking me to get the thermometer because he wasn’t feeling good. I took his temp and it was pretty high over what it should be. With the cancer meds that he’s on, he has to be very careful about any fever that he gets, so I contacted the on-call oncologist and they said to go to the ER right away to get checked out.
So we had heard that several times. “If you start running a fever, go to the ER.” But beyond that, we had no clue what to expect. Once we got to the ER and got back into a room, it was like a well oiled machine. David’s nurse knew EXACTLY what to do and was super on top of it all. He had to get blood work done to check his white blood cell count (among other things), they did a chest xray because he was starting to get congested today, a CT scan to make sure everything looked good in his brain and then they started him on antibiotics, as a precautionary step.
Praise the LORD, he’s fine!! We spent about 4 hours there. David and I agree that it was a good experience to have. Now we know what to expect if he starts running a fever again, and thanks to our nurse, we know what kind of expectations to have of the medical staff. He is on oral antibiotics, just to be safe with his incision from his surgery. It works out that he already had an appointment set up with his oncologist on Wednesday, so David will follow up with him then.
Overall David is feeling better today, so we are very thankful for that. We have all the kids home with us this afternoon and it’s so nice! Caleb was so cute. He noticed David was sitting at the table, and he ran to our room, grabbed David’s helmet and brought it to him. He wanted to make sure David was safe. 🙂

Last night we were surrounded with all of your thoughts and prayers and they meant so much! Thank you for loving on us. Even in the midst of the craziness, we feel so much peace and we know that comes from our Savior! Your prayers are a huge part of that peace and words are never enough to thank you with.

Prayer requests:
-For complete healing of David’s body
-For David’s strength to return
-For the fever to NOT return
-For continued peace, amidst the storm
-For family who are continuing to help with the kids: that they get a renewed strength, energy and joy daily
-For our children, that God helps them in every aspect of their life that they are struggling with

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