18 Feb

Long Day Ahead


David has been feeling a little better, so we are very pleased with that. Because of the fevers he has been running, he is stopping one of his cancer meds, to see if that’s the culprit. We will monitor to see how he’s feeling and if he should stay off the med, or continue back on it.

Tomorrow is our really long day at the cancer center. We have to be there first thing in the morning for his PET scan. We might have a little bit of time to go grab some lunch and relax until we have to be back for his appointment with his oncologist. If the doctor feels as though David is well enough, David will start immunotherapy tomorrow afternoon. From what we understand, it will be a 3.5 hour infusion, so we won’t get home until after 7 tomorrow night.
As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, waiting on different tests and imaging is a time when it’s very easy to get anxious. Of course we hope for the best and look forward to any news about tumors shrinking, but it could just as easily be the opposite kind of news. I’m not sure how long it will take to get the results, but please keep us in your prayers, that we will be surrounded by God’s peace as we wait.
I also wanted to remind everyone about this wonderful event that Signs of Sunshine is putting on for us. It’s THIS Saturday. It would be awesome to hear about who all can make it! It will definitely be a fun time!

Prayer Requests:
-For complete healing of David’s body
-For David’s strength to return
-For peace while we wait for the PET scan results
-For David’s body to not have any negative side effects to the immunotherapy
-For our children, that God helps them in every aspect of their life that they are struggling with
-For our family that is helping with our kids, that they have renewed energy, patience and joy every day

Thank you for all of your continued support! We love you all!!

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