21 Feb

Caution: Busy Week Ahead


Not much of an update today, but here’s a rundown of next week and a reminder of our event tomorrow!
Next week David will be meeting with the pain management team, then he will be having an MRI of the brain to prepare and plan for the radiation. He will be getting his staples removed, then meet with the radiation oncologist to follow up from his c-spine radiation and also to start mapping the brain radiation. He will then meet with his regular oncologist to make sure he’s ready for immunotherapy and then he should start that on Wednesday. Those are all happening at the beginning of the week, so I’m tired even thinking about it!
Tomorrow is our BINGO fundraiser put on by Signs of Sunshine! As long as David is feeling up to it, we are planning on coming to hang out for a bit!! We hope to see you there! Feel free to bring your kids, just know that they can’t actually play the game, but they are more than welcome to come and help the parents have fun!


Prayer requests:
-For complete healing of David’s body
-For all of David’s strength to return
-For next week to go smoothly
-For God to help our kids with everything that they are struggling with
-For different transitions in our lives, that everyone adjusts well

Thank you for all your continued prayer and support!!

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