4 Mar

No Rest for the Weary


As usual, a week that was supposed to be slower, is picking up speed. On Monday David was feeling really tired and weak, so he spent all day in bed. He’s also developed some other symptoms, like a cough and tightness of breath, so his doctor is sending him for a CT scan of his chest to make sure nothing bad is developing there. He will do that tomorrow (3/5) and then he will have an MRI on Friday of his lumbar plexus for his neurosurgeon. David isn’t as tired now, but is still showing his other symptoms, so we are praying that it’s nothing too serious.
We’ve also had a couple kids with some health stuff going on, so that has kept us busy as well. It sure would be nice if we only had to handle one thing at a time, but that’s never the case in life. We are so thankful that God gives us the strength to face each day. I was really exhausted tonight and still had to handle some stuff with the kids, and I told David, “I think God short changed me today. I just don’t have enough strength to handle anything else.” I was, of course, kidding, but I really did feel that tired and beat down. Oh, but our Lord is SO faithful. He provided me with what I needed to face the evening’s challenges and also provided a beautiful opportunity for us to have a special moment with one of the kids. Instead of crawling into bed, with nothing left, I am sitting here with my heart full and not as tired as I should be. I am so blessed. These difficult times just provide more and more opportunities for us to lean on God and for Him to show his strength, love and goodness towards us. I am constantly humbled by it, and so often awed by how God works through different situations. God is good. All the time.
Prayer requests:
-For complete healing of David’s body
-For David’s strength to return and his pain to go away
-For answers to come from the scans David is having this week
-For the symptoms David is having to go away
-For us to continue to lean on God at all times
-For our children and everything they are going through. That they look to God for guidance and that He helps them through all their difficulties, and for good health for all of them
-For our family and friends that continue to step up and help in so many ways

Thank you for continuing to love on us and pray for us! We value it all so much!!

3 thoughts on “No Rest for the Weary

  1. Continued prayers from us over in the east coast. Our love to all of you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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