9 Mar

Let’s Get Back to It!


I don’t really know what to say about last week. It was supposed to be a little bit more relaxing…. and I guess it was, physically. However, I think that when we aren’t as busy, we have more time to focus on the things that discourage us. We long for David to start feeling better. Just because the tumors are pretty much gone, doesn’t mean that his body isn’t totally exhausted from fighting the cancer. It also doesn’t mean that all the damage that the tumors did on his body are gone. This past week, David was really feeling the pain and weakness from this battle. He is such a strong man, and it’s hard to see him down like that. We are all allowed to have our “down” days, but I tell David that we can’t live there, though. It’s important to know how we feel about things, but we need to talk about them and hand them over to God. Constantly lean on the One who cares more for us than we could ever know. Some days it is easier said than done, though. I am so grateful for all of you. For our friends and family… who are not just supporting us by helping with our physical needs, but are showing support through prayer and encouraging words. That is SO important! PLEASE continue to pray for us, and if you feel led to send an encouraging word our way, we love to read/hear it!
This week is going to be a tiring one. Monday, David starts radiation on his brain. He will be doing ten sessions of that. One of the biggest side effects the doctor is anticipating is tiredness. David is already so tired, so I’m sure this will really wipe him out. I foresee a lot of sleeping these next couple weeks! He is also going in for his physical therapy assessment on Monday. David has always been one that enjoys strengthening his body and pushing himself, so this should be a good challenge for him. I know he will wish that he has more energy so that he can work harder, but he will just have to learn how to listen to his body.
At some point this week we will be hearing from David’s neurosurgeon about the MRI he had done last week. We would love some answers about where all this pain and weakness is coming from, so we can have a clear course of action on how to help David.
This week is also spring break for our kids. We would love to be doing something fun and memorable with them, but it will more than likely be a lot of sitting around the house and taking advantage of any energy David has. So I’m hoping that despite the limited circumstances, that we will be able to have an enjoyable week with the kids.

Prayer requests:
-For complete healing of David’s body
-For David’s pain to go away and for his strength to return
-For God to strengthen us emotionally and spiritually
-For a good week with the kids
-For radiation to go smoothly
-For David’s energy level, especially as he starts therapy and radiation
-For God to support our children and to help them with any difficulties they are facing

You all have been so good to us with your prayers and encouragement that I can’t help but ask for you to expand those prayers. This past week I’ve heard of a couple of other people/families who are facing incredibly difficult circumstances. Heartbreaking circumstances, and illness and unanswered questions. One of the wonderful things about our Heavenly Father is that He knows all these needs. So even if you don’t know all the circumstances I’m talking about, will you please just keep all the hurting hearts and the ill in your prayers? God knows who is in need and exactly what to do for them.
Thank you for everything. My heart is full knowing that we have all your support behind us!!

5 thoughts on “Let’s Get Back to It!

  1. Dear Amy, you guys are in my prayers. Hopefully you can do something fun this week, even just an afternoon at a play park with David resting in a lounge chair ,or a pizza party with the cousins in the back yard. I remember your kids as being very active. Love you.

  2. Dear Cesolini family,
    I am praying for all of you every day. In addition to your specific prayer requests, I will pray for peace and rest, joy and laughter and for all of you to feel the arms of Jesus hugging you tightly. You are all amazing and it is an honor to pray for you.

  3. David and Amy
    Even though we are up here in the PNW and are seeing and feeling the pain of the other families you mention, you are not forgotten!!
    I picture God’s arms being just a little fuller as He carries all of you who are dealing with so much closer to His heart, and then He has the rest of us in there, too, as we all have the emotional pain knowing our brothers and sisters are living the unimaginable!
    We cling to His promise that He walks through the fire, waters, and everything else with us!!

  4. Your family is in our prayers! It’s hard when you want to do, but your body is so tired! We ask for David to get some strength and do a little more! Enjoy your extended time with your kiddos!

  5. Hi David and Amy- we are praying for you and your family regularly. I had cancer last year and 1 surgery turned into 3. My journey has not been nearly as difficult as yours, but I had some dark days in the hospital, so I know what it’s like to feel discouraged and that there’s no end in sight. My wife is just like you, Amy. She allows me to be down and be real and at the same time reminds me that God is greater than our suffering and calls us to cry out to Him for help. At times when I couldn’t remember a single Bible verse, three words stuck with me: “Jesus…loves…me.” I pray you both will find comfort in clinging to that truth.

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