16 Mar

Let’s Get Outta’ Here!


I’m sorry I haven’t updated. I feel very awkward sitting here and talking about our current situation, while there’s so much else going on in the world right now. However, I also realize that there are a lot of you who are so faithful in praying for us, that I don’t want to abandon you without any further updates.
I last updated on Saturday, in hopes that we would return home on Sunday. I was wrong. David’s symptoms of fever and diarrhea continued, so there was no more talk of discharge. Every time we thought things were getting better, the symptoms would return. Finally today (Monday 3/16), we had the three doctors that have to sign off on David’s discharge, in agreement. All of his cultures came back negative, so they took him off all antibiotics. They are continuing his high dose of steroids, and as long as everything stays about the same, or improves a little bit, while off the antibiotics, then they will likely send him home tomorrow. Of course I won’t believe it until we have the discharge papers in our hands, but it would definitely be nice!!
His chest pain hasn’t returned, so we are thankful for that!! Also, his knee pain has gotten a little better. So those are good things! Another good thing is that Anna has been able to come stay with David a few times, while I’ve gone to help and cuddle all the other kids. Such a special time for her and David to share!
I touched briefly on this before, in my last update: David hasn’t been able to do his radiation since being admitted. So he will hopefully start that back up this week, once he’s discharged. Also, his immunotherapy is cancelled for this week. Moving forward, we aren’t sure what’s going to happen with immunotherapy. The doctors believe everything he’s experiencing is all due to the immunotherapy. Obviously it’s not a good thing to have to be hospitalized for a week after having immunotherapy, so adjustments will likely have to be made. As long as David gets discharged tomorrow, we will be able to meet with his oncologist on Wednesday to discuss what his options are.
Prayer requests:
-For complete healing of David’s body
-For David’s symptoms to improve enough for him to be discharged
-For our family to be protected from all the disease out there
-For clarity while figuring out David’s next steps in treatment
-For God to continue to uplift and strengthen our children

Guys, it is pretty intense out there in the world. PLEASE follow the recommendations of distancing yourself. Even if you aren’t taking things seriously, or if you feel confident enough that you wouldn’t be effected from it as much, please remember that there are others out there that desperately need to you to protect them, by protecting yourself. This isn’t going to last forever. It’s ok to adjust your lifestyle for a couple of months in order to protect all those around you. No matter how confident you may feel about it, it’s not worth gambling someone else’s life.

We love you all SO much and we pray that you are all staying healthy and staying strong in your faith.

5 thoughts on “Let’s Get Outta’ Here!

  1. Amy, may God keep your family free from any infections. Praying for David to be able to get out of the hospital Tuesday. Love and hugs.

  2. Beautiful picture of Daddy and his “little girl.” Thanks for sharing and stay strong. Sending hugs and prayers!

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