17 Mar



Just a real quick update for you guys…. from the hospital…. still. I told you guys yesterday that we wouldn’t believe David would get discharged until we had the papers in our hands. So good thing we weren’t believing it. Even though we had assurance from everyone today (3/17) that we were going home, at 3:30, our final doctor came in and declared that David has to stay one more night so he can continue his high dose of steroids. Then he said tomorrow morning, they will kick us out…. I’m still not counting on it. Lol.
Due to our extended stay, David’s appointment with his oncologist is getting rescheduled for next week. Also, in the case that David does not leave the hospital, his radiation oncologist is transferring his radiation therapy over to the cancer center on our side of town. Up until now, we’ve been traveling to Phoenix for his radiation treatment, because that’s where we were initially established. Now that it’s getting transferred over here, if David is in the hospital, he will still be able to get his treatments. Even if he DOES get discharged, it will still be a lot closer for us to travel to, so that will be nice, especially with all the adjustments we are having to make due to the kids being out of school.
Thank you for all you love and support. You guys continue to be so encouraging to us.

Prayer requests:
-For complete healing of David’s body
-For David to be discharged in the morning
-For our family to be protected from all the disease out there
-For clarity while we figure out David’s next steps in treatment
-For God to continue to uplift and strengthen our children

I’m going to close with the same PSA that I did yesterday, because it’s always a good reminder.

PLEASE follow the recommendations of distancing yourself. Even if you aren’t taking things seriously, or if you feel confident enough that you wouldn’t be effected from it as much, please remember that there are others out there that desperately need you to protect them, by protecting yourself. This isn’t going to last forever. It’s ok to adjust your lifestyle for a couple of months in order to protect all those around you. No matter how confident you may feel about it, it’s not worth gambling someone else’s life.

We love you all SO much and we pray that you are all staying healthy and staying strong in your faith.

4 thoughts on “ALMOST

  1. Continuing my prayers for you, your family and David’s entire medical team!! GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!

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