18 Mar

A Note to Anyone Who is Signed Up for Bringing Us Meals


Dear Freinds,
We want to thank you SO much for all the support you have shown us during this very difficult time. In light of the current situation our world is facing, we are no longer in need of dinners. We don’t want to add any additional stress into any of your lives as you are trying to find groceries for your own family and trying to juggle the adjustments this virus is causing in your lives. We have been blessed with a good amount of frozen meals, so we will not struggle with dinners during this time.
We are keeping all of you and your families in our prayers. These are new and scary waters for all of us and we pray that you find hope and peace in our loving God who holds the future in His hands.
Love, David and Amy

2 thoughts on “A Note to Anyone Who is Signed Up for Bringing Us Meals

  1. Just a thought….when you get low on frozen food, maybe you could raise a flag and gift cards could be given to you. Yes, it would still require going out to purchase the card plus stopping at the restaurant to redeem it, but that could be a quick stop on your way home. And several people could chip in for a larger amount to be sufficient for your family. No long shopping trips fighting thru the grocery store. Just a suggestion.

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