1 Apr

Covid-19 Results and Other Updates


Hi Friends and Family!
I’m sorry I haven’t updated, but things have been a little bit busy, as you can imagine.
David’s Covid-19 test came back negative on Monday (Praise the Lord!!), so he started his radiation back up on Monday afternoon. He will continue radiation until next Tuesday. Radiation really exhausts David, so it’s been a tough week so far for him. Friday is going to be interesting, because David will have to go to his radiation, then his appointment with his oncologist and his infusion by himself, seeing that I’m not allowed in. They are limiting who can go into the cancer center to only the patient, unless they physically or mentally need assistance.
We are trying our hardest to stay away from places and people right now. Pretty much the only place we go is David’s appointments. I’m praying that we can all stay healthy during this time. David and three of our boys are all in the high risk category for this dreaded disease, so we are trying our best to stay safe.
I have to give a HUGE thank you to everyone who gave us frozen meals and helped us with groceries over the last few months. Seeing that I was with David in the hospital when things started getting crazy, I wasn’t able to do any shopping. After getting home and being able to assess our situation, we really didn’t need a whole lot! We are so grateful that God used so many of you to fill needs that we weren’t even aware that we needed yet.
We are praying that all of you are being safe and staying healthy. We are praying that all of you find this as an opportunity to grow closer together as a family and ENJOY the extra time you have together. We are praying that you even find creative ways to connect with your loved ones and your community. It’s interesting to see people come together, while having to physically be apart.
I will try to update you all on Friday, but getting back into the swing of homeschooling hasn’t been easy. It seems like there just isn’t enough hours in the day! Hopefully I will get into the swing of things and it will go smoother next week! 🙂

Prayer requests:
-For complete healing of David’s body
-For peace while we wait to see what is next in this cancer journey
-For a supernatural amount of energy for David as he faces Friday, on his own
-For our family as we make adjustments
-For God to continue to support our children as they face different challenges
-For good health for all of us

We love and appreciate all of you! Stay safe out there!

2 thoughts on “Covid-19 Results and Other Updates

  1. Still praying for your whole family! Thanks for your updates! You are a busy mom!

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