11 Apr

An Exhausting Week


Thank you all SO much for your encouraging words and prayers!!
This week wasn’t easy. David is still feeling the effects of the radiation, which he finished early in the week, so he’s still very tired. Due to the problems he was having last weekend, with the vomiting, he became dehydrated and so some of his pain meds weren’t properly flushing out of his system, which led to a lot of confusion and other thought processing problems. Thank goodness he had his immunotherapy on Thursday, so they were able to give him extra fluids and he is back to normal now!
Now that radiation is done and he had his immunotherapy this week, he’s pretty much done with stuff for the next couple weeks. He is having some scans done on Monday, but that’s the only thing on the schedule! It is going to be nice to have a couple weeks off. I think David’s body really needs a break from everything that’s been going on.
As with every scan, there’s always some anxiousness involved. David has been having more pain than normal the last few days, so that’s concerning as well.
I have to say, it would be so easy to say I feel alone during all this. But I really don’t. I love reading all of your encouraging messages and I feel all of your prayers. Please, please, please keep them coming. I feel like we are need of them so much right now.
Thank you for being part of our journey. Please know that we pray for all of you also and we love you.

Prayer requests:
-For complete healing of David’s body
-For the scans to be clean
-For no more hydration problems
-For renewed energy for David
-For renewed patience, joy and energy for me everyday
-For God’s continued support of our children, as they continue to face different challenges
-Thankfulness for what our savior did on the cross so many years ago, so that we might hope and trust in Him

7 thoughts on “An Exhausting Week

  1. Amy, God bless you for your positive attitude! We will continue praying for David to have a better week. Are you on Facebook? There is an Apostolic page for all former and current members of an ALC church. People are doing songs and posting them. I’d guess over 100 by now. Very much a blessing. Or check someone’s FB to listen to all the hymns. Be blessed this week.
    John and Judy Lappi

    1. Yes!! I have really enjoyed watching them! I’m trying to convince my daughter that she should play her violin for the page!

  2. Amy,
    Thankful to hear that David is back to “normal” now, but I’m praying that one day he will truly be back to his normal! Praying these next two weeks are less exhausting for all of you and that the report from the scans is good! And of course, keeping all the other things you posted in our prayers too. Happy Easter to your family – even tho Easter looks a little different to you and everyone else this year – the message is the same, He died and arose for ALL of us!
    Keeping you in His care,
    Lois Kandoll

  3. Lots of prayers being sent and while we never forget the real reason for Easter, the forgiveness of our sins thru Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection, here’s hoping the Easter Bunny comes hopping thru your door and into your hearts wearing a mask and gloves and handing out hugs, kisses and love!! Happy Easter to the Cesolini family

  4. It’s a tough rough road. We’re praying for healing & comfort … blessings of family
    Happy blessed Easter

  5. Amy, so glad you get a bit of a break and can have time to love on your family. Praying rest and peace for you all. Have a blessed Easter.

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