22 May

From Where Does My Help Come?


Thank you for continuing to pray for us as we’ve been trying to see what kind of treatments are available for David.

I’m going to be real honest here. This really stinks. This is HARD. I’m sure that’s a given, but sometimes the weight of it all is so heavy. Especially when our kids are feeling it as well. They have a lot of hard questions and the answers aren’t easy. My heart aches for the confusion and pain and uncertainty that my children are feeling right now. I want to cuddle them in my lap and protect them from all this, but this is a path that they are going to have to walk right alongside me. I pray that God protects their hearts as much as possible. I pray that even through the pain, that they can still feel God’s love and that their faith will only be strengthened during this time.

Things right now are a little intense, if you can’t tell. In some ways, David is doing better. He has more energy and is in less pain. Such good things, that we are thankful for!! However, there are also some things that are more concerning. He’s found a couple of lumps on his body, which his oncologist is worried about. It shows that his body isn’t responding to the treatment and the cancer is spreading. Also, he’s been having more symptoms of leptomeningeal disease, which is extremely discouraging.

We have several different options right now, which I wish I could go into more detail with, but there are so many complexities, that it’s hard to really give a clear explanation. The bottom line is this: None of them are cures. Nothing short of a miracle is going to cure David. We know that miracles can happen. We serve a God who specializes in them… but the options we have to look at right now is like some sort of complex equation of time taken to a certain treatment and time given to us in return. Will the time and energy that David puts into any of these treatments, give us enough time with him to make it worth it? Of course no one can give us for sure answers on this. So we are in a position where we 100% have to lean on God. We have to be in prayer and see which doors open and which close. I’m not saying that we didn’t lean on God and pray before, but these decisions are a lot more complex than ones we’ve had to deal with before.

Within the next week, we should have a clearer picture of what route we are going to be taking. The only thing set so far is that David is having a PET scan on Wednesday to see exactly what the cancer is doing inside his body. He finished his fourth infusion of immunotherapy today and we are praying that his body starts responding to it and starts fighting.

We cherish your prayers now more than ever. Please keep them coming and we will update more once decisions are made.

Prayer requests:
-For complete healing of David’s body
-For God to be clear in His direction for David
-For our children. For their faith, for their hearts.
-For David and myself as we try to navigate parenting during this hard time
-For rest. Physically, spiritually and emotionally
-For joy. Even on the hard days, we pray for joy to fill our hearts and home.

I feel like there’s so many other prayer requests that I could be writing, but God knows our hardships and all that we need. Thank you for loving us so much and for showing it through your prayers, encouragement and support.

“I lift up my eyes to the hills.
From where does my help come?
My help comes from the LORD,
Who made heaven and earth.”
Psalm 121:1-2

This passage keeps repeating in my head. I am so grateful that my help does not come from within, but from the one who made the heavens and the earth. He is SO much more capable to handle this than I am.

2 thoughts on “From Where Does My Help Come?

  1. You are correct Amy. Our God is supernatural and can solve all problems and heal all. If we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we are washed cleaned by his blood; pure as snow. The sacrifice of Jesus redeemed us of all our sins, not to be remembered. I know our Loving God will heal David and bring him into his role of Disciple, Husband and Father. Through our submission and servitude God rewards us. These rewards are David’s so long as he believes not just in God but that he is worthy and deserving. When God heals David, not only will the cancer be gone but all of David’s health mental and faith frailty. He will be remade and better than before. He will be a servant for our God. He will walk with our Messiah, Jesus Christ. He will be guided by the Holy Spirit in all that he does; Husband, Father, Brother. He will be an example to all.

    Amy the same is true for you. Our Heavenly Father will bestow his blessings on you. He will give you the strength to nurture your family through this. Just as it was difficult for Mary to watch her son become the sacrificial lamb to save us, her faith in God carried her through. Trust in him. Believe in him. Know that our God is supernatural and through our faith in Jesus Christ all things are possible. Let go and Let God. He will strengthen you.

    I love you both. Brother Ed.

  2. My heart breaks for you, especially with all you said about your children. We’ve gone through similar things with my husband’s brain cancer, and all that you wrote resonates deeply. Praying for you all!

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