27 May

Weary Day


My heart is weary tonight (5/27) as I think through what to write in this post. Every single prayer and word of encouragement was needed today and we thank you for your outpouring of support!

David’s scan results were not good. When the cancer center has a policy of no additional people in the building besides the patient, yet still calls and asks for you to come in along with your husband, it’s a pretty good hint that it’s not going to be good news that follows. The cancer has spread all over David’s body. It is not responding to any of the treatments. At this point, the cancer is so widespread, that there is a very limited amount of options left to try. Even the best of those options, only has a 5% chance of helping. We are looking at about 3 months of time left with David.

Our doctor is going to consult with the doctor we were going to go to see in Houston to see if she has any alternative treatments she could offer David, but our doctor is not optimistic after seeing the advancement of David’s disease. He really doesn’t want us to waste our time or money going to Houston if there’s nothing there for us.

Our plan for now is to complete whole brain radiation. If David doesn’t do that, the disease will effect his brain very quickly. This is our best shot at slowing anything down. While he finishes his brain radiation, we will look into the other treatment options and weigh them to see if they are worth trying. We are also going to be taking time to do the kind of planning that no one in their 30’s should have to do. Once that planning is done, we will be taking every moment possible to enjoy time together as a family.

One thing we are so very thankful for, is that David’s radiation went well today. His last round of brain radiation (which was only part of the brain) had drained him immediately, so we are praying that he can at least have an “easy” whole brain radiation experience. 1 down, 9 to go.

These upcoming months are going to be harder than we can even begin to imagine. We find comfort in knowing that this news is not new to God. He already knew all of this and is here with us, giving us strength and peace. He already knows what the future holds and is right now, preparing us for what lies ahead.

Hear my cry, O God,
listen to my prayer;
from the end of the earth I call to you
when my heart is faint.
Lead me to the rock
that is higher than I,
for you have been my refuge,
a strong tower against the enemy.
Psalm 61:1-3

Prayer requests:
-For miraculous healing of David’s body
-For peace while making plans
-For wisdom to know the balance between fighting the disease, and being able to enjoy time together
-For the rest of radiation to be as smooth as today
-For our children, whose hearts are already aching and for their faith to be strengthened
-For joy in this dark time

Thank you all for keeping us in your prayers and for taking the time to encourage us. We love you all!!

4 thoughts on “Weary Day

  1. I think of losing Doug st 40, he was 43….. and realize that I could not have gotten through that time without Jesus.i know He’s faithful. I don’t understand this. I don’t know how you get through the day, yet I do know. My heart hurts for you and the kids. I’m praying David has some good moments with the kids.. . And God wraps His arms around you all. I’m still paying for healing, I pray God hears your cry.

  2. Heart hurting for you, and praying 😔💙

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