13 Jun

Some Bad and Some Good News


Just a quick update for today (6/13). David has had some coughing lately that produces a lot of mucus. The Dr wanted to get it checked out, so David had a CT scan Thursday of his chest. As weird as it sounds, we were actually kind of hoping it was pneumonia, or something like that. Unfortunately, it’s not. The tumors have grown more and are now causing problems in his lungs. It’s not drastically effecting his breathing or anything at this time, but it is still very discouraging. 

 Please continue to pray that we can get better treatment options when we travel to Houston. We did receive fantastic news last night, regarding Houston! They are now allowing one visitor to accompany a new patient, so I will be able to actually go in with David to his appointment! I’m thrilled about this! I hate having to sit in the parking lot, trying to listen on the phone to important information. We are so thankful for this!     Also, please be praying for family, as they will be taking on all our kids.  
 Thank you all for your love and prayers!! We feel so surrounded by support on so many levels from you all!!

Prayer requests:

-For complete healing of David’s body

-For the Houston trip to be full of quality time together and good news from the doctor

-For family as they watch our kids-For our children, as they are dealing with all their challenges

-For safe, problem-free travels

-For JOY to fill our time together

One thought on “Some Bad and Some Good News”

  1. David & Amy with Family

    Praying daily for you all as a family! Think of you David each time I am under my Brain Tumor Radiation treatment. Thanks for sharing….such a helpful thing for you folks to express all you are going through! I’ve been so blest to have many to share the happy & sad times with.

    Remembering your family as well! Our family of 14 has faced many of the same trials you all have faced! God is so gracious!

    Pray for us as well! Please pray for a “sound mind” with me as a Husband & Father!….as it states in 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV
    For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

    If you feel moved to visit/obtain info regarding the miraculous turn around of various people with cancer with the use of Fenbendazole, please feel free!

    Call me at 603-878-1076
    Cell 603-801-6396
    Email us tatraffie@yahoo.com

    Peace & Full Healing your way we pray!

    Tim & Leona Traffie

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