28 Jun

Prayers, Please


6/28/2020 Hi everyone. I have been working on a post to update you on how David’s chemo went this past week, however, right now I am just reaching out for prayers. This afternoon was truly orchestrated by God and I am so thankful for that. Yesterday my sister in-law insisted that she take our kids this afternoon so I could have a little bit of a break. I’m usually very quick to say “no” but decided it was ok to say “yes” this time. This afternoon, she came over and packed the kids up and took them to her house. I had a bunch of things that I wanted to do during my ‘free time’ and while David took a nap, but I felt the need to just lay in bed, next to David and do a devotional. While I was doing that, David had a seizure. It lasted about three minutes, during which I called 9-1-1, and by the time he started to come to, the paramedics had arrived. He was still very confused and couldn’t answer simple questions. They had to take him to the hospital, where they had to shock him because his heartbeat was so irregular. That worked, and his heart beat went back to normal. The ER doctor called me to update me (seeing that I am not allowed in the hospital) and let me know that they are doing bloodwork, an EEG and a CT scan. He will more than likely be admitted, but we are not sure what hospital yet. The plan right now is to get him stable enough and then transport him to a hospital that can handle the cancer side of his care as well. He is doing better and has been able to remember my name, and other basic information, so we are thankful for that.

I CAN NOT stress how thankful I am that our kids weren’t home and that I was in the room with David and not keeping myself busy around the house. God is never surprised by events and He knew exactly what needed to happen today to make sure I was with David so could help him.

I hate not being able to be with David, but I know that God is never going to leave his side, so I can rest in knowing that the One who created David is watching over him now as well. I will update more, as I can. Love you all and thank you for being with us on this journey!!

Prayer requests:
-For complete healing of David’s body
-For peace for our family as we have to wait to hear news
-For the doctors caring for David, that they have wisdom to figure out what’s going on
-For our children

2 thoughts on “Prayers, Please

  1. So glad you listened to your heart and were with David! Glad your sister in-law aptured allof yourkids! In gods time! Prayers for allof you!

  2. Amy, our God is just so awesome and knows what we need before we even ask. What perfect planning on His part! Prayers continue for you, David, your entire family , and his medical team. We trust the Great Healer who is our constant companion to comfort David , you and your kids. Thankfully you were just where you needed to be and your sweet kids were elsewhere and being cared for and loved on. Constant prayers for complete healing for David and for you for rest, strength, patience and love for the continuing journey. God bless you and yours! Much love in Christ, Renee Isaacson

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