29 Jun

Prayer’s Update


I’ve gotten a couple calls updating me on David. He’s stable and for the most part, accurately answering questions. He’s very slow to process what they are asking him, and sometimes is unable to remember the question right after they ask. They did see something on his lungs, that’s probably pneumonia but they have to test for Covid to rule it out. They are starting him on antibiotics and anti seizure meds. They transported him to Banner University Medical, so they can further look into the seizure while still getting any care needed for his cancer. I was able to speak to him briefly. His voice was strong, but he was still a little out of it. It was good for me to hear his voice, though. Being away from him and trying to talk to a nurse about his history over a phone is so very difficult. Having to wait hours between any updates is emotionally exhausting, but I keep leaning on God for strength, patience and peace. At this point I’m not sure how long David will be in the hospital, but I’m hoping to get more answers after the doctor evaluates him tonight.

Thank you for all your love and support! It means so much!

Prayer requests:
-For complete healing of David’s body
-For wisdom for the doctors as they come up with a course of action for him
-For peace, patience and strength while we wait for updates
-For our children who just want Daddy to come home

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