7 Jul



In every post, I’ve always requested for complete healing of David’s body. This afternoon that prayer was answered as David found healing in the arms of Jesus in heaven. We are rejoicing that he is no longer in pain and that he is with the savior that he adores so much.
Thank you all for your continued love and support.

8 thoughts on “Healing

  1. My prayers will continue for you and your beautiful family. I am so very sorry that David’s healing was not as we all prayed for, but thank God for His healing in heaven.

  2. Our prayers now for the family who lives on in your lives ,,,, the children will remember the love shared during these many months with different thoughts. We pray the love of God in understanding David their dad & your dearly beloved is truly healed and resting in his Saviors arms. I’d love to give you a big hug.

  3. Thankful for hope in Christ, but brokenhearted for your tremendous loss. Sending love and prayer 💙

  4. Amy, I just want to give you and all your sweet children hugs…because I know there is nothing I can say that can take away the hurt you are feeling. So be hugged from us..we love you and our prayers are with you all.

  5. Amy, May you and your sweet family feel the love that we have for you and the peace knowing that David is with Jesus. Sending love, prayers and hugs.

  6. Amy, I am so sorry you are having to walk this road. It is so hard to lose someone you love so dearly here in this life. Sending prayers to our Heavenly Father for you and your family. The Lord will be with you and your children and you’ll look forward to a reunion in heaven. 💙

  7. Cesolini family,
    We are friends of Joyce and Chet’s from Christ Greenfield. We have been praying for you all as you have taken this final journey with David. My heart breaks for you, his children, siblings, Mom and friends. He fought the good fight and is now at rest, but I know this leaves a huge hole. Praying for your comfort and the Peace we only find in Jesus.
    In Christ, Janelle and Don Canine

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