9 Jul

Thank You and Flower/Donation information


I just wanted to post a quick “thank you” to everyone who has shown an outpouring of love and support. I feel surrounded by love and encouragement constantly throughout the day.

As they say, “When it rains, it pours,” and that has been true for the last couple days, as our AC went out yesterday and one of our boy’s medical equipment broke down as well, so on top of everything else, I have been dealing with those issues. I am so thankful that the AC didn’t go out on Tuesday and we found a company that will be coming out tomorrow to install a new unit. All through this though, your encouraging messages, emails, texts, cards… they all come at perfect moments in my day where I once again feel strengthened to continue on.

We have had some questions regarding flowers and donations, so here’s the information I can share with you:

If you would like to send flowers, contact Bill at (774) 704-2041.
If you would like to give a donation in lieu of flowers, the organization Feed My Starving Children was dear to David, or if you feel led, you may donate on our website www.helpdavid.org Anything that is donated that exceeds our immediate needs, will go into a long term savings account to be used as a college fund for the kids.

Again, thank you for loving on us! It is needs and so very much appreciated!

2 thoughts on “Thank You and Flower/Donation information

  1. My washing machine went out and flooded my bedroom the night Doug died. That is nothing compared to all you are going through. I pray you have the love and support that I did. I know God is watching over you even though I can’t understand it all. Love you deeply!

  2. I will leave a donation instead of flowers honey….love prayers and blessings ❤️🙏🏻🦋

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