10 Jul

Friday Night Thank You


I am struggling to find the right words to express my gratitude tonight. I am sitting back in my house, which is now cooled thanks to my new ac unit. The reason this is possible, without me stressing about what it means financially, is all because of many generous, selfless givers. By the time the AC company was done installing, we had enough donations to cover the cost of the new unit. I really don’t know what to say. “Thank you” doesn’t seem to be sufficient, yet it is all I have at this point. In difficult situations, I know God will provide, whether it’s strength, comfort, or as in this case, financially. You saw a need, and God worked through you. I want to keep going on  about how much this means to me, but I think I would sound like a babbling fool because I’m still so blown away by your generous giving. THANK YOU for being a very real reminder that even though my future is not what I ever expected it to be, that God will provide, whatever the need. 

One thought on “Friday Night Thank You”

  1. Love you all so much and glad we could help….no matter how much every little bit ads up….GOD IS SO VERY GOOD, AND YES, HE DOES PROVIDE…❤️

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