29 Dec

Hanging with the Fam


I got to spend several hours with David yesterday while Amy ran home to spend some time with the family and get some rest. It’s a strange thing, spending time in a hospital with someone you care about; I don’t know if it’s the sterile environment or that David wasn’t in his signature camo hat, […]

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29 Dec

Waiting Game


David saw the oncologist Saturday morning. No pathology report yet from his biopsy. The earliest we will get that will be Monday. He had an in-depth conversation about David’s health history, but of course can’t speculate on anything. It’s just a waiting game on that pathology report! It’s hard to see someone you love be […]

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29 Dec

Busy Day


From Friday, 12/27 update made on Facebook: It was a whirlwind afternoon. David’s procedure took a lot longer than expected. As soon as he was done, they brought him up to his room, but the cancer center needed him transferred asap, so before he even made it to his room, they got him on a […]

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28 Dec


David Cesolini has been an amazing person to get to know over the years, and I wanted to find some small way to give back to him. I set up this site in hopes that he might be able to receive some financial support.

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