27 May

Prayer Time


Tomorrow (5/27) is kind of a big day. David has his PET scan (which shows where the cancer is in his body) in the morning, then in the afternoon, he has his appointment to review the results and then he has his first session of whole brain radiation. We could use all the prayer you […]

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8 May

Finding Refuge

I have to give a warning to this post: Typically when I post things, I have a clear vision of what I want to share. I try to summarize how David is doing and our plan of action. However, this time I don’t really have that. I’m still trying to wrap my brain around some […]

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15 Apr

Prayer needed

We spoke with David’s oncologist this morning (4/15) about his scans. Unfortunately his scans showed that the disease is coming back. He has some small lesions on his brain, lung, and rib. There is more evidence of the leptomeningeal disease, so that is a very real possibility. Again, we could test for it, but it […]

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11 Apr

An Exhausting Week

Thank you all SO much for your encouraging words and prayers!!This week wasn’t easy. David is still feeling the effects of the radiation, which he finished early in the week, so he’s still very tired. Due to the problems he was having last weekend, with the vomiting, he became dehydrated and so some of his […]

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5 Apr

Having Faith

Thank you for your continued prayers for us. Friday didn’t go as planned. David woke up with a fever, so all his appointments got cancelled. Also, as a side effect of his brain radiation, he has been vomiting a lot. Needless to say, he’s been pretty miserable. 😞 We were able to do a phone […]

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26 Mar


Praying that this finds you all doing well and staying healthy. This sure is a difficult time for all of us. We are definitely feeling the difficulties that come with socially distancing ourselves. We depend on the support of our family and friends so much, and to now have to navigate things without that help […]

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