30 Jan


Monday we saw David’s radiation oncologist. They did a CT scan of David’s head, so they can start mapping out how to go about the radiation on his brain. She has to wait to get the brain MRI done to be able to finish doing the work up, so he won’t start radiation until probably […]

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19 Jan


This week has been SUPER busy with doctor appointments, radiation, more imaging tests, and blood work… As wonderful as it is to be home, at least in the hospital, everyone comes to you. Lol. Tuesday morning, David was able to meet with the oncologist that specializes in melanoma. It was the first, real optimistic conversation […]

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12 Jan

Matthew 9:7

These past two days have been busy beyond our imaginations, so this post is a couple days late, but… From Amy: We are home!! I had a long update written out, but lucky me, somehow erased it… So my exhausted body is refusing to write it all out again, so just know that we are […]

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9 Jan

Hurry up and wait


Well, we were hoping all day that things would all come together so we could go home and it just didn’t happen today. We were SO CLOSE, but David’s sodium just wouldn’t behave today, so one more night we stay! They do believe that they know what kind of medication he has to take, but […]

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7 Jan

Homeward Bound, Maybe


Well, today was a little bit of a roller coaster again. This morning they were going to push for David to get discharged. It was a fun thought…. for awhile. Lol. We discovered that when our insurance switched at the beginning of the year, there was an error and they put the wrong effective date. […]

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