6 Jan

School Daze

After a couple of weeks off from school, the kids are ready to go back. Well, “ready” might be the wrong word – they’re being forced back to school, kicking and screaming 🙂 With David still in the hospital, we’ve had to make some adjustments so the kids can resume their lives as normally as […]

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5 Jan

Charlie and the Patient Factory


Saturday was pretty laid back. They got David over for radiation first thing in the morning (6:30). Now let me ask you this: How many doctors AND medical teams do you know, that are willing to come into work at 6 am on a Saturday morning, just for one patient? Seriously. I’m blown away by […]

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2 Jan

Starting to Fight

Sorry I didn’t update last night. It’s like we got dropped into this cancer 101 class and we are cramming for the “finals”. There’s so much information and it’s just a roller coaster ride. So we decided to pursue radiation therapy first. This gives us the opportunity to start treatment even while David is in […]

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1 Jan

A bit of peace

This morning was rough. David was still intubated until around 2:30. He was sedated, which is tough to see, but he was responsive. He would squeeze hands, open his eyes and tried to communicate via sign language. Once the tube was out, it was a huge relief to see him fully waking up from sedation. […]

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30 Dec

The Kiddos

Even through all of this difficulty, there are so many things for which to be thankful. I am ridiculously happy that we have the opportunity to watch my nieces and nephews so Amy can focus all of her energy in supporting David in any way he needs. Unfortunately, that does mean their brood doesn’t have […]

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