7 Jul

The New Fight

David is home. However, not under the circumstances that we would have wished for him. Sunday afternoon, he stopped eating. He was no longer responding to questions and he went from needing some help to sit, stand, etc, to needing total help to even move his head. Monday morning, therapy video called me so I […]

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5 Jul



Last time there were fireworks, it was New Year’s Eve. I was sitting in the ICU with David and his sister. I was desperately missing our kids, but knew I was where I needed to be. Last night, as I sat and watched the kids playing with sparklers, while fireworks lit up the night sky […]

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30 Jun

Stop, Breathe, Pray


6/29 Update:It’s hard to collect my thoughts and write out a summary of what is going on, when everything I know is pretty much second hand information. I can’t see David, I’ve only spoken with him a couple of times, and the majority of information I’ve gotten is from his nurse, over the phone. This […]

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29 Jun

Prayer’s Update

I’ve gotten a couple calls updating me on David. He’s stable and for the most part, accurately answering questions. He’s very slow to process what they are asking him, and sometimes is unable to remember the question right after they ask. They did see something on his lungs, that’s probably pneumonia but they have to […]

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28 Jun

Prayers, Please

6/28/2020 Hi everyone. I have been working on a post to update you on how David’s chemo went this past week, however, right now I am just reaching out for prayers. This afternoon was truly orchestrated by God and I am so thankful for that. Yesterday my sister in-law insisted that she take our kids […]

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18 Jun

Hope and Houston

6/18/20 update: We had the opportunity to travel to Houston to meet with a melanoma oncologist (Dr Glitza) that specializes in leptomeningeal disease (LMD). It was a wonderful time for just David and myself to be together and to also get a new game plan in place for David. While discussing treatment options, it was […]

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27 May

Weary Day

My heart is weary tonight (5/27) as I think through what to write in this post. Every single prayer and word of encouragement was needed today and we thank you for your outpouring of support! David’s scan results were not good. When the cancer center has a policy of no additional people in the building […]

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