18 Mar

Deja vu

Well, this is FOR SURE my last update from the hospital. David was not discharged today (3/18), because he started running a fever again. However, tomorrow morning, the hospital is no longer allowing visitors. So at 7:00 am tomorrow, I am taking my bags and heading out. I’m PRAYING that David won’t be too far […]

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17 Mar


Just a real quick update for you guys…. from the hospital…. still. I told you guys yesterday that we wouldn’t believe David would get discharged until we had the papers in our hands. So good thing we weren’t believing it. Even though we had assurance from everyone today (3/17) that we were going home, at […]

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14 Mar


Well, we are still in the hospital and we are expected to stay at least until Sunday. To catch you all up, here’s a rundown of what’s been going on: So Wednesday David was admitted and we got into a room late Wednesday night. They were still running cultures and they had done some CT […]

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29 Feb

Busy Week

This week was super tiring, but also filled with a lot of progress, so that’s good! On Monday David met with the pain management doctor. He assessed David and decided to up the dosage of one of his medicines, he put an order in for physical and occupational therapy and he also suggested acupuncture for […]

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