18 Feb

Long Day Ahead

David has been feeling a little better, so we are very pleased with that. Because of the fevers he has been running, he is stopping one of his cancer meds, to see if that’s the culprit. We will monitor to see how he’s feeling and if he should stay off the med, or continue back […]

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14 Feb

Another Good Day

Another good day today! David got his last round of radiation for this session. No more radiation for at least two weeks, now! 🙂 Everyone was impressed with how well David was doing, so he got discharged from the hospital! What a wonderful end to our Valentine’s Day: being able to relax at home with […]

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12 Feb

Surgery Day

Early this morning we headed to Phoenix to check in for David’s surgery. Great news, his CT scan came back clean so he went in for surgery at 8 am. He got to recovery around noon and the surgery went well! Praise the Lord! His bone flap is back in and he is in recovery. […]

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7 Feb

The Plan

Days are busy right now and sometimes it’s hard to find the time to write updates… or I will try, but David will have to wake me up because I’ve fallen asleep in the middle of typing. Lol. I’m sure you all understand, though! Yesterday (2/6) we met with the neurosurgeon. We decided to go […]

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5 Feb

The New Game Plan

This morning started with a call from David’s radiation oncologist. She spoke with David’s neurosurgeon and they came up with a game plan. The best course of action for these new growths is radiation. So we headed out to Phoenix so he could have his imaging done for the planning of the radiation. He will […]

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